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Barkatullah Vishwavidyalaya

Earth Science

Department of Earth Sciences

The Department of Applied Geology was established in the year 1980. It made outstanding contributions in research and teaching programmes in the frontier areas of Environmental Geosciences,
Remote Sensing, Groundwater and Mineral Exploration. The department offered three courses namely
(i) M.Sc. Earth Sciences
(ii) M.Sc. (Tech.) Remote Sensing 
(Hi) M.Sc. Geoinformatics.

The courses have been framed to include highly advanced and many non-traditional fields of study
which have not been offered by the affiliated colleges and other universities of Madhya Pradesh. The Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics course is first of its kind in the entire universities of Central India.
Excellent academic environment, well equipped laboratories, library facilities and other campus facilities are the major attractions to the students and research scholars. The department also provides consultancy to the Mining industry, mineral based industry, groundwater prospecting agencies and environmental organizations. The students are given good field exposure for identifying different rock types, structures and other geological features which may shape them as successful field geologists.
The students and research scholars are given facilities and opportunities to interact and undergo training in various well established research laboratories, industries, mines and remote sensing centers to complete their project/research work. During the course of study, visits are arranged to various prestigious research institutions, laboratories, industrial establishments and other geologically interesting areas in the country In M.Sc. (Tech.) Remote Sensing and M.Sc. Geoinformatics courses, the students have to undertake project work. During this period, they are given individual problems to work upon and they may be attached to other institutions and laboratories to carry out their project works. Most of the students who have attended the Remote Sensing course are employed in several MNC's like NIIT, Rolta India Ltd., Intergraph, RMSI, Theovel, RITES. Shreya.Com., SGS, Luminous Technologies, Lapton Softwares and KAMSAX etc.
The department is well equipped in the field of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information
System (GIS). Facilities are available for visual interpretation as well as digital image processing of the' satellite data and aerial photographs. The facilities include mirror stereoscopes, prism stereoscopes, light tables, optical reflecting projector, optical pantograph, image analyzer, digitizer, with software facilities.
The department possesses eight computers with colour scanner, inkjet printer and digitizer board. The software which is extensively used for geological purposes, are available in the department. In addition, the department has the latest version of GIS software which includes Geomedia Professional, MF work and GMS Terrain. These softwares are used for Image processing and interpretation, environmental studies, natural resource management, engineering projects, town and country planning and rural development etc.
The department has well equipped petrologic laboratory with advanced type of Research mode' microscope containing universal stage, point counter, automatic photographic attachment, micrc hardness tester, oil immersion lenses for Refractive Index determination. The department has also go several polarizing microscopes and ore microscopes for the use of the students. The laboratory i equipped with section cutting and polishing machines and sieve shaker.
The department has also developed full-fledged facilities for geohydrological. and geochemic studies. A geochemical Laboratory, with almost all equipments used for rocks minerals analysis, wat analysis and soil analysis, is established in the department. With the help of this laboratory, tl Environmental pollution and hydro geochemical studies can be done precisely.
The department has well established library facility having text books, reference books, journals, periodicals, newsletters, bulletins, and memoirs, symposia seminar volumes, project reports, Ph.D. thesis etc. covering almost all branches of Geology. The students are allowed to consult and borrow the literature from the library for a limited period. The students are given intensive training in geological mapping of different terrain using various modern methods. The syllabus of the basic courses includes field training mapping as one of the modules to carry out the training for at least 3 - 4 weeks duration every year.
The department also provides training to the college university teachers, scientists and field geologists by way of refresher courses, workshops and short term courses.
Research facilities are available in the field of Petrology, Structural Geology, Mineral Deposits, Hydrogeology, Environmental Geology, Geochemistry, Mineral Exploration, Remote Sensing and GIS. The department has successfully completed nearly 159 project reports and about 30 students have successfully completed their Ph.D. degree.
The students are given personal attention by the faculty members and senior research scholars of the department. Each member is assigned some students to supervise and advise them on academic as well as other matters. The students are also given career advice to fetch better job opportunities.

Course Of Study
Course Name   : Geology)
Seats 20
Duration  Two Year (Four semesters)
Eligibility  B.Sc. Geology as one of the subject with 50% marks.

Semester I      Geomorphology and Geodynamics, Structural Geology and Global Tectonics , Stratigraphy and  Indian Geology, Practical – I, Practical – II,                         Geological Field work.   
Semester II      Palacobiology, Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Environmental Geology, Practical – III, Practical  IV         
Semester III   Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Sedimentology, Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Practical V, Practical VI, Field work Geological                           Mapping.
Semester IV   Ore Geology and Fuel Geology, Mineral  Exploration and Mining Geology and Remote Sensing and GIS Applications, Practical – VII, Practical – VIII

Course Name   :M.Sc.(Tech) Remot Sensing
Seats 10+5
Duration One & Half Year
Eligibility M.Sc./M.Tech.(Applied Geology/Geology) with a minimum of 55% marks in H.Sc.&B.Sc.

Semester I   Principles of Remote Sensing, Principles of Aerial Photography and Photogrammetry, Image Processing and Digital Computer Programming,                          Practical I
Semester II   Remote Sensing in Environmental Studies and Geotechnical Engineering, Remote Sensing in Earth Sciences and Mineral Exploration, Remote                      Sensing in Water Resource and Terrain Evaluation, Practical II   
Semester III  Project work based on the Remote Sensing Application in Earth Sciences

Course Name   : M.Sc. GeoInformatics
Seats 30 
Duration  Two year(4Sem.)
Eligibility Science and Engineering graduate with 50% marks in aggregate


Semester I    Fun fundamentals of Information Technology and DataBaseManagementSystem, Photogrammetry and Automated Mapping, Fundamentals of                        Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing, Practical – I, Practical II.
Semester II   Spatial Analysis and Modeling, Global Positioning System and Geospatial Data Integration. Surveying and Cartography, Basics of Earth Sciences                  and Natural  Resources, Practical III, Practical IV.   
Semester III  Ge Geospatial Technologies for Land Resources and Urban Planning, Geospatial Technologies for Natural Resources Management, Geospatial                      Technologies for Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, Geospati Technologies for Environmental Studies and Impact Assessment,                                  Practical V, Practical VI.
Semester IV   Pr   Project Work based on Remote Sensing, GIS, GPS, Computer Applications to Various Papers.


     This department is an approved research center for conducting Ph.D. students can apply for Ph.D. under the registered supervisors of the department. As per University Guidelines.